joi, 24 septembrie 2009

Get Your Daily Dose of Laughter Online and Make Money!

In this article we will explain to you how to trade funny images on Internet for a big profit.
Maybe you don't think about it but if you got such cool stuff you are riding on a cash plant.
If you make a google search for free pictures you will find a plenty of results for that phrase.
Such large results could impress you but after all everyone wishes to be amused.
In this post I will tell you how can you earn big cash from photo gallery online.
A good place to deal funny faces on internet is by registering a free account on
If your cartoon pictures make it to a photo gallery you get paid a cool $35 cash.
If you have some original fun
free vids make a point that you present 'hem too.
Break gives you an awesome $2000 bucks for this finny videos that appear it on their home page.
The greatest thing you can do is presenting your priceless images or videos to right away.
Only save in mind that it is break's staff who decided if your really funny stuff will make it trough their free galleries or not. is a website similar to They also pay you to submit your priceless images and videos.
Even so it is possible to submit really funny jokes and mp3's also.
One of my favourite sites to sell funny stuff online is trough
They pay you 50 cents per download of your funny faces.
Twenty cent per download doesn't look lots but the user doesn't have to give a centime to download your funny faces.
Places like are called online store photos web sites.
Trading random funny stuff is a very wide marketplace so is far from the only web site that offers a similar service.
To help you out, I will show you few complementary internet sites where you can send your picture hunter to it:;;;;
Before you submit your priceless images to similar websites make sure that you have read their faqs and their policy.
Most sites don't admit you to submit priceless gallery with individulas for example.
I hope you have an idea now, how to deal cool pictures online.

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